
Young Living has consistently demonstrated cutting-edge wellness technology with highly potent cleanse, detox, and balance formulations that really work, plus the excellent training, backup, and support from the Young Living UK team. It was 12 years ago when Susie was first introduced to Young Living’s essential oils. Having spent three months in Ecuador with Dr Gary and Mary Young in 2007, they have become very good friends. Susie's reputation is for “quality and excellence with no compromises." She affirms that Young Living reflects these high standards.

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Audrey Levy was born in Paterson, New Jersey, the youngest of three children. After graduating from Boston University with a Bachelor's Degree from the School of Education, she moved to Los Angeles, California in 1975 to pursue a career as a writer.

She got sidetracked by working for a Psychologist, and ended up becoming a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, but never gave up her dream of becoming a professional writer.

Her dream became reality you can now read her story the best seller “Noelle’s Ark”, please visit her website

Audrey is the author of a dozen screenplays, two of which advanced to the finals in Steven Spielberg's "Chesterfield Competition," and one of which advanced to the finals in Robert Redford's "Sundance Competition."

Audrey has also been published in the Los Angeles Times and New West Magazine. She lives in Marina Del Rey, CA on a houseboat with Kelly, a very happy dog, who smiles.

"I've known the author, Audrey Levy, since college, and this is truly her story." -Jay Leno

Hazel Courteney is an award winning health/spiritual writer.  Her column 'The Spiritual Detective' in Spirit and Destiny magazine bridges the gap between science and spirituality.  Her book 'The Evidence for the Sixth Sense' is a best-seller.
Hazel Courteney proves there is an abundance of scientific evidence for phenomena previously considered impossible.

Gary Malkin is a seven time Emmy award-winning composer, producer, performer, and recording artist, dedicated to creating music and media resources that heal the spirit, inspire the heart and catalyze social change.

Tracy Worcester is an ecologist who campaigns for farmer's land rights and livelihoods in developing countries, and for local food markets in the UK. As Associate Director of the International Society for Ecology and Culture, and a trustee of the Gaia Foundation, she's working to shift development from dependence on giant banks and corporations to local interdependence between people and their real needs.
Gregg Bradon's Wisdom Traditions website brings modern science, personal tours to sacred sites and ancient wisdom together, making breakthroughs in our knowledge of spiritual science easily understandable and accessable to all. His quarterly newsletter is free and well worth subscribing to.
Don Miguel Ruiz was a successful surgeon. He ignored the family lineage of Toltec wisdom. His grandfather and father had both been teachers of wisdom for his tribe. He became bored, unfulfilled and dissatisfied with his affluent life-style. Then his ancestors called to him. In a car crash, he flew through the wind-screen and lay half-dead upon the road. Suddenly in direct communion with his ancestors, they urged him to explore the path of the soul that he had shunned. The teachings of his ancestors he has made available and very useful to us all in his books.

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